People’s views change many times as time passes as people grow though how much it changes and how many times it does differ among people. Many things I see, many things I thought, many things within me has differ. When we were still young kids almost all the guys will have a ‘policemen’ as their top 3 ambition but as they grow up and see things differently, the number of those people who plan to have their profession as a policemen will be only a few.
Many times there are a lot of things I tend to not see in other views due to my stubbornness of believing my 1st view is right even when it is not. Different people look at things in different views as well. To judge people in 1 view is quite a stupid thing to do. Every time I try to judge people I will like into every view that I can think of before judging that person.
Stepping into this year there’s a few views that I managed to see in a few things as well. A few things I realized as I was able to see these views. About love itself I realized a few things. That it is really not necessary to have the person love you back and it is most important that they’re happy. The other thing I guess I wouldn’t write it out here.
Damian Leong