Friday, July 11, 2008

Change, Again

Here it is, the change in my blog. Does it look familiar? Well, it’s basically the same as my old blog except the header. It took me a few days to take a picture to put as the header. I didn’t have a theme before I took the picture. I looked everywhere as I walked and just took anything that gave me a feeling. If I wasn’t looking for a picture I wouldn’t have taken that picture.

The caption in the header, “Change of view, change of feel” is something I felt as I searched for the picture. My views were usually on the roads, shops, houses, cars or maybe people around when I walk around. As I change my view and just look up at the vast blue sky I realize there are actually many things you can see you can feel but you just don’t look there.

Just a change of view can change what you feel. How you look, where you look, that’s the thing that determines what you feel. A same thing viewed in a different view can give you a completely different feel. That is the theme of my blog. It’s of the change of views and change of feels I encounter and also a blog that might change your view.

Change of view, change of feel


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